Personal Finance
Union Bank Home Loan Interest Rate: A Comprehensive Guide
Devashrita Gujral
Posted on August 28, 2024. 10 mins

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Union Bank Home Loan Interest Rate: A Comprehensive Guide


Union Bank of India brings to the table a variety of home loan options, catering to a wide audience. Whether you're a first-time buyer or looking to transfer your existing loan, Union Bank offers competitive interest rates with special schemes like Union Awas, the bank aims at making home ownership accessible to more people. Union Bank stands out by offering a range of interest rates to meet the diverse needs of its customers.

Overview of Union Bank Home Loans

When it comes to home financing, Union Bank pulls out all stops with its comprehensive range of products. It caters to applicants and home loan balance transfer from other finance companies at lower interest rates, the bank showcases its might in the competitive market. Not just for the salaried class but also for citizens and NRIs, Union Bank's home loan schemes are designed keeping in mind the various needs and capabilities of its customers. Besides, you can check out our guide on union bank home loan to know more about home loan products offered by union bank.

Key Features and Benefits of Union Bank Home Loans

Union Bank home loans stand out with their unique blend of features and benefits. The bank lights the way for aspirational homeowners with competitive home loan interest rates and a special consideration for personal loan interests. It is offering a home loan scheme for every dream and budget, it champions the cause with loans above Rs 30 lakh enjoying a favorable rate of interest. Not to sideline, the Union Home loan overdraft feature offers a handy tool for existing home loan borrowers, overlaying a layer of financial flexibility.

Understanding the Union Bank of India Home Loan Interest Rate

The interest rates on home loans are a decisive factor for many, and Union Bank ensures clarity and competitiveness in this regard. Tailored based on the bucket of the loan amount and the applicant's profile, including a slight advantage for women applicants and those opting for floating rate home loans, the comprehensive structure is designed to cater to varied financial situations. It highlights the benefits such as the LTV ratio and an additional concession of 5 bps for certain categories, Union Bank positions itself as a preferred option for homebuyers.

For Salaried and Non-Salaried Individuals

Union Bank of India wraps around the financial realities of both salaried and non-salaried individuals. The understanding that income patterns and stability differ, the bank adapts, offering home loan interest rates that consider the applicant's employment status. This flexibility ensures that a wider range of potential homeowners can find viable options within Union Bank's portfolio, making dream homes a reachable target for many. The union bank of India interest rates for salaried and non salaried are as follows:

Loan AmountLTVCIC ScoreSalaried/ProfessionalSalaried/ProfessionalNon-SalariedNon-Salaried
Irrespective of Loan AmountAs per quantum wise LTV Norms800 & aboveEBLR - 0.90% = 8.35%EBLR - 0.90% = 8.35%EBLR - 0.90%EBLR - 0.90%
750 to 799EBLR - 0.75% = 8.50%EBLR - 0.75% = 8.50%EBLR - 0.75%EBLR - 0.75%
From 700 to 749EBLR - 0.10% = 9.15%EBLR - 0.15% = 9.10%EBLR = 9.25%EBLR - 0.05% = 9.20%
(Including -1 & 1 to 5)
From 650 to 699EBLR + 0.20% = 9.45%EBLR + 0.15% = 9.40%EBLR + 0.25% = 9.50%EBLR + 0.20% = 9.45%
From 600 to 649EBLR + 1.00% = 10.25%EBLR + 1.00% = 10.25%EBLR + 1.00%EBLR + 1.00%
Below 600EBLR + 1.50% = 10.75%EBLR + 1.50% = 10.75%EBLR + 1.50%EBLR + 1.50%

Special Rates for Loans Above Rs 30 Lakh

Pushing the envelope further, Union Bank of India provides special rates for loans exceeding Rs 30 lakh. This tiered interest rate structure ensures that higher loan amounts come with the advantage of lower interest rates, a win-win for applicants aiming for a bit more luxury or space. Such a setup especially benefits those looking to buy or construct properties in high-value markets, making premium housing a bit more accessible. The union bank home loan interest rates for loans above 30 Lakhs are as follows:

Loan AmountCIC ScoreLTVSalaried/ProfessionalNon-Salaried
Above 30 Lakh750 & Above<=80EBLR + 0.05% = 9.30%
>80 & <=90EBLR + 0.40% = 9.65%EBLR + 0.35% = 9.60%EBLR + 0.45% = 9.70%EBLR + 0.40% = 9.65%
From 700 to 749<=80EBLR + 0.40% = 9.65%EBLR + 0.35% = 9.60%EBLR + 0.45% = 9.70%EBLR + 0.40% = 9.65%
>80 & <=90EBLR + 0.45% = 9.70%EBLR + 0.40% = 9.65%EBLR + 0.50% = 9.75%EBLR + 0.45% = 9.70%
From 650 to 699<=80EBLR + 0.50% = 9.75%EBLR + 0.45% = 9.70%EBLR + 0.55% = 9.80%EBLR + 0.50% = 9.75%
>80 & <=90EBLR + 0.55% = 9.80%EBLR + 0.50% = 9.75%EBLR + 0.60% = 9.85%EBLR + 0.55% = 9.80%
From 600 to 649<=80EBLR + 1.10% = 10.35%
>80 & <=90
Below 600<=80EBLR + 1.65% = 10.90%
>80 & <=90

Union Bank NRI Home Loan Interest Rate

The NRI's that are looking to invest back home in India, Union Bank extends its hearty welcome with specially designed home loan schemes.  It caters to the unique circumstances of NRIs, the bank provides attractive interest rates that make investments in Indian real estate a viable and appealing prospect. With a clear understanding of the NRI's position, Union Bank crafts its rates and services to suit their special needs, ensuring a smooth transaction from miles away. The union bank home loan interest rate for NRI's are as follows:

PeriodInterest Rate (Rates in % per annum)
1 year6.80
> 1 year to 398 Days6.80
399 Days7.25
400 Days to 2 years6.60
> 2 years to 996 days6.60
997 days6.40
> 998 days to less than 3 Years (except for 999 days at 6.40%)6.60
3 years6.70
> 3 years to 5 years6.50
> 5 years to 10 years6.50

Union Bank Home Loan Interest Rate for Government Employees

The home loan interest rate offered by union bank to the government employees are as follows: 

Loan AmountCIC ScoreGovernment / PSU Employees
Irrespective of the loan amt750 and aboveEBLR - 0.90% = 8.35%

Besides, you can check out home loan interest rates of alternative banks such as ICICI Bank.

Exclusive Schemes: PMAY and Special Retail Lending for Government Employees

Union Bank rolls out the red carpet with exclusive schemes such as Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), which aims to make owning a home more achievable for many, and a special retail lending offer tailored for government employees, ensuring a smoother journey towards home ownership. These schemes are chockablock with benefits including lower interest rates and subsidies, making the dream of owning a home less pie in the sky and more grounded in reality.

Calculating Your Home Loan with Union Bank

Diving into the numbers, calculating your home loan with Union Bank is not rocket science. Armed with tools like the Home Loan EMI calculator, applicants can crunch the numbers with ease, getting a clear picture of the monthly outgoings towards their dream home. This clarity upfront is like a compass guiding through the mazes of home financing.

How to Use Union Bank Home Loan EMI Calculator

Using the Home Loan EMI calculator provided by Union Bank is a breeze. Just pop in the loan amount, the interest rate, and the tenure, and voilà, it dishes out your EMI in a jiffy. It’s a handy tool that gives applicants a sneak peek into their financial future, helping them to plan better and borrow wisely. Besides, Jugyah can also help in calculating home loan EMI accurately using home loan EMI calculator.

Factors Affecting Your Home Loan EMI

The EMI on your home loan isn’t just a number plucked from thin air; it's influenced by the loan amount, the interest rate, and the loan tenure. A higher loan or a steeper interest rate means the EMI climbs, while a longer tenure can ease the monthly financial burden. It’s a delicate balancing act, determining how much you fork out each month.

Application and Approval Process

The path to securing a home loan with Union Bank is straightforward but requires gathering a bit of paperwork. From filling out the application form to submitting the necessary documents, each step is pivotal in the green-light process. Patience and precision in filling out forms and compiling documents can make the journey smoother.

Document Checklist for Union Bank Home Loan Applicants

The document checklist for the applicants are as follows:

  • Applicants need to rustle up the usual suspects that is proof of identity, proof of income, address verification, and property documents, among others.
  • The salaried individuals need to have the last three months of the salary slips.
  • Self-employed folks need to show the last three years' income tax returns.

Eligibility Criteria for Different Home Loan Schemes

Different strokes for different folks; Union Bank’s home loan schemes come with varied eligibility criteria. Whether it’s for a salaried employee, a self-employed individual, or someone eyeing a property exceeding a certain value, the bank has something for everyone. It’s all about finding the right fit, ensuring the shoe doesn’t pinch.

Processing Fees and Ancillary Charges for Union Bank Home Loans

In the world of home loans, the devil’s often in the details with processing fees and other charges. Union Bank keeps it transparent, with a fixed rate for processing expressed in rupees, alongside other ancillary charges that might pop up during the loan processing journey. It’s the financial equivalent of reading the fine print before you sign on the dotted line.

Choosing Between Fixed and Floating Interest Rates

The choice between fixed and floating interest rates is akin to choosing between tea and coffee; both have their perks. Fixed rates offer the security of knowing exactly what you’re paying each month, while floating rates hold the promise of lower payments if rates drop. It's all about one's appetite for risk versus reliability.

Benefits and Downsides of Each Rate Type

Fixed rates stand tall offering predictability in an unpredictable world, locking in your payment amount through thick and thin. On the flip side, floating rates can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster, offering potential savings when rates dip but also requiring a strong stomach when rates climb. It's a financial merry-go-round, with pros and cons to both choices.

Union Bank's Policy on Rate Selection and Switching

Union Bank offers flexibility in choosing your interest rate type, but it's not a once-and-done deal. If you fancy switching your loan from a floating rate to a fixed rate or vice versa, the bank has policies in place. This lets borrowers adapt to changing financial landscapes, ensuring they're always riding the wave that suits them best.

Prepayment and Foreclosure

In the quest to own your home outright, early prepayment and foreclosure can be savvy moves. Union Bank supports these bold maneuvers with clear norms, allowing borrowers to clear their debts ahead of schedule. It’s like crossing the finish line early, celebrating the full ownership of your abode sooner rather than later.

Union Bank Home Loan Prepayment

Union Bank's norms for home loan prepayment and foreclosure are straightforward, encouraging borrowers to take the leap towards full ownership. With reasonable charges and clear guidelines, these options are made accessible, shining a light on the path to becoming mortgage-free. Besides, Jugyah can help you in calculating your home loan prepayment accurately using home loan prepayment calculator.

Union Bank Home Loan Foreclosure Norms

When it comes to foreclosing a home loan, Union Bank lays down the law with clear norms. The process is designed to be as smooth as possible, with minimal fuss and maximum clarity. It's akin to cutting through red tape with a hot knife, streamlining the path to financial freedom.

Making the Right Decision for Your Home Loan

Choosing the right home loan is no small feat, demanding a balancing act between rates, terms, and personal financial health. Union Bank offers tools and options aplenty, empowering borrowers to make informed decisions. Think of it as navigating a maze with a map, making the journey to homeownership less daunting and more doable.

Tips for Choosing the Best Home Loan Option

When navigating the maze of home loan options, the fine print can make all the difference.

  • Choose a loan that complements your financial standing and future plans. If you're eyeing a house in rural or semi-urban areas, special schemes might cater to your needs.

  • An overdraft facility could be a lifesaver for those juggling between personal expenses and loan repayments. It's wise to assess the loan amount, in this case, say 50 lakh, against the capacity of the borrower to manage repayments smoothly.

  • The consideration towards the purpose, whether to purchase or construct, impacts your choice significantly.

Final Thoughts on Union Bank Home Loan Interest Rate

Union Bank home loan interest rate beckons with its promise of affordability and flexibility. Whether you're salaried or manage your own venture, there's a plan tailored just for you. Women, NRIs, and government employees find special respites and advantages in their loan schemes, underlining the bank's inclusive approach. Loans exceeding 30 lakh get special consideration, broadening the horizon for those dreaming bigger. But remember — the interest rate is just the tip of the iceberg. Delve into the nitty-gritty of terms, repayment options and special features to make a choice that champions your cause and fits like a glove in your financial ecosystem.

If you are looking for loan assistance, Jugyah is providing loan assistance without charging a single rupee and you can get recommendations as well as advice from our experienced experts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q What is the eligibility criteria for Union Bank home loan?

To qualify for a home loan from Union Bank, applicants must have a steady source of income, be it from employment or self-employment, and meet specific age and credit score requirements. The ability to repay, determined by current income and existing liabilities, plays a crucial role.

Q Can I apply for a Union Bank home loan to buy property in rural areas?

Yes, Union Bank offers home loans for purchasing properties in both rural and semi-urban areas, catering to a broader audience and promoting homeownership across various sectors of society.

Q Are there special home loan rates for women?

Union Bank encourages women homeowners through concessional interest rates on home loans, aligning with their commitment to empowering women and promoting gender equality in homeownership.

Q What is the maximum loan amount I can avail of?

While the maximum loan amount depends on various factors, including the borrower's income, repayment capacity, and the property's value, Union Bank offers home loans up to 50 lakh, ensuring substantial coverage for your housing needs.

Q Does Union Bank offer an overdraft facility with its home loan?

Yes, to blend flexibility with convenience, Union Bank provides an overdraft facility for home loan borrowers. This feature allows you to manage your finances more efficiently, using the loan amount for both personal or business needs while controlling the interest outflow.

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