Real Estate 101
Difference - Plinth Area vs Carpet Area
Devashrita Gujral
Posted on September 4, 2023. 10 mins

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When you're looking to buy or rent a new home, you might hear some unfamiliar words that confuse things. Two of these words are "plinth area" and "carpet area." These words might sound simple, but they mean specific measurements that can affect how much space you have in your home and how much you pay.

In this blog post, we'll explain the difference between a plinth area and a carpet area to help you choose your next home wisely.

What is a Plinth Area?

Imagine you have a house or a building. The plinth area is the total space you get if you measure everything inside its walls, both inside and outside. This includes rooms, corridors, stairs, balconies, and empty spaces like shafts. It's like drawing a line all around the outside of the building – the space inside that line is the plinth area. But remember, not all of this space can be used as you want.

Imagine you're buying a comfortable apartment that measures 900 square feet. This measurement includes all the space inside the apartment, including rooms, balconies, and common areas. But remember, not all of this space can be used directly.

The actual space where you can put your furniture and live is called the carpet area, and it's around 750 square feet. The rest of the space is used for walls, hallways, and shared areas. So, when you're thinking about how big your new home will be, pay attention to the carpet area because that's the part you'll be living in.

What is a Carpet Area?

The carpet area is a space you can use inside your place. It's like a living area. It's the space where you can spread out a carpet or put your furniture. This area includes rooms where you live and spend your time, like bedrooms and living rooms. It doesn't count the walls or other spaces that you can't use, like the thickness of the walls themselves. Depending on the builder's plan, sometimes balconies can be part of the carpet area. So, if you want to think about where you'll put your belongings and live your life, that's the carpet area.

In summary, the plinth area is the total space within the building's walls, including inside and outside parts, while the carpet area is the usable space inside those walls, where you can place your furniture and make yourself at home.

What are the Major differences between a Plinth area and a Carpet area?

When it comes to understanding the differences between the plinth area and the carpet area in a building, there are some essential things to consider. These differences can affect your decision when buying a property, so let's break them down in simpler terms.

Usable Space

The main difference between plinth area and carpet area lies in how you can use the space. Plinth area includes all the space inside the building, even the parts you can't directly use, like hallways and staircases. On the other hand, carpet area is the space that you can use for your own purposes, like placing furniture, walking around, and living comfortably.

Price and Value

When builders talk about the size of a property, they often mention the plinth area. This area is usually bigger than the carpet area, which might make it seem like you're getting a lot of space for your money. However, what matters is the carpet area – the space where you'll be living your everyday life. So, when comparing different properties, it's important to look at the carpet area to get a true understanding of how much usable space you're getting for the price.

Shared Spaces

The Plinth area includes the spaces within your actual living area and shared spaces like common areas, gardens, and hallways. These areas might make the property look more attractive, but they don't directly contribute to the space you can use personally. Carpet area, on the other hand, focuses solely on the area that is exclusively yours to use.

The key takeaway is that plinth area includes all the spaces in the building, even the ones you can't use directly, while carpet area is the space you can truly make use of. When buying a property, it's easy to get drawn in by the larger plinth area, but it's the carpet area that counts the most for your comfort and daily living. It's a bit like buying a cake – you're not just paying for the icing on top, but also the cake itself that you'll enjoy eating.

Price differences between a plinth area and a carpet area

When you're looking to buy a house or property, it's important to understand the difference between the size they talk about and the actual space you can use.

Usually, builders set the price based on the plinth area. So, if a property has a larger plinth area, it might seem like a better deal because you're getting more space for your money. But here's the trick: the space you can use is the carpet area.

Here's an example to explain this: Let's say there are two properties, Property A and Property B. Property A has a big plinth area of 1000 square feet, but the carpet area is 800 square feet – that's the space you can live in. On the other hand, Property B has a smaller plinth area of 1100 square feet, but its carpet area is 750 square feet.

At first, you might think Property A is a better deal because it has a bigger plinth area. But when you look at the carpet area, Property B gives you more usable space even though its plinth area is smaller. This means you'll have more room to live and arrange your things in Property B.

So, the important thing is to not just look at the size they talk about but to focus on the carpet area – the space that matters for your comfort. This way, you can make a smart choice and get the best value for your money without getting fooled by what seems like a good deal.


When dealing with real estate, it's important to understand the words used so you can make smart choices. "Plinth area" and "carpet area" might seem alike, but they actually mean different things and can greatly affect how valuable, comfy, and useful a property is.

When you're checking out places to live, always pay more attention to the carpet area. It shows the actual space you'll have for living. Don't get tricked by a bigger plinth area – it might not match how you want to live. Now that you know this, you can do better when looking for a home.

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