Real Estate 101
Is a Revenue Stamp Mandatory on Rent Receipts
Devashrita Gujral
Posted on October 5, 2023. 10 mins

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The payment of rent by a tenant to a landlord is evidenced by a rent receipt. When the landlord receives the rent from the tenant, he signs the rent receipt (paper) and gives it to the tenant. If you are eligible, rent receipts may be used for tax benefits or legal proceedings (if any).

Receipts for rent are essential for recording the financial transactions between landlords and tenants. Is a revenue stamp required on rental receipts? is one common query in this context. This article will examine the importance of revenue stamps on rent receipts if they are necessary, and other crucial information.

Is a Revenue Stamp Needed for Rent Receipts?

It's a frequent misperception that every rent receipt needs to be revenue-stamped. However, the amount of the rent and the state-specific legislation determine whether a revenue stamp is legally required on rent receipts. If the cash payment is greater than Rs. 5000 per receipt, a revenue stamp must be put on the rent receipt. A revenue stamp is not needed if the rent is paid via cheque.

What is the Value of a Revenue Stamp on the Rent Receipt?

On rent receipts where cash payments exceed Rs 5,000, you must affix a revenue stamp of Rs 1 value in accordance with the revision to Schedule-I to the Indian Stamp Act, 1899.

What Are the Formats of Rent Receipts?

Rent receipts should contain specific information to be legally valid. While the format may vary, a standard rent receipt should include the following details:

Date: The day the whole amount of the rent was paid. Receipt Number: A distinct receipt number is provided for ease of identification and record-keeping. Landlord’s Name and Address: The name and address of the landlord or the recipient of the rent. Tenant’s Name and Address: This information refers to the tenant or the person paying the rent. Property Address: The location of the property for which the rent is being paid. Rent Amount: The whole cost of the rent, including any utilities or maintenance costs that may be incurred. Payment Mode: The process of making a payment, such as with cash, a cheque, or an online transfer. Signature: The acknowledgment of receipt of the rent payment by the landlord or an authorized representative.

Benefits of Rent Receipts

Benefits of rent receipts for both tenants and landlords include: Legal Evidence: Rent receipts serve as legal proof of rent payments, which is useful in the event of a disagreement or other legal concerns. Tax Benefits: When completing their income tax returns, tenants can use their rent receipts to claim House Rent Allowance (HRA) exemptions. Record Keeping: For future reference, both parties may keep a record of all rent transactions.

Crucial Things to Note About Rent Receipts

Some essential guidelines are as follows, as a rent receipt is a crucial document needed to claim tax exemption in housing rent allowance:

The lease must be legitimate and recorded with the local government. It reduces the likelihood of disagreements and is useful for making rent receipts. Rent should always be paid online rather than with cash. It makes it easier for the renters to monitor the landlord's payments.

The tenant is within his rights to request receipts with a revenue stamp so they can be utilized as a rent receipt generator.

The employer's PAN card must be presented to receive the HRA exemption if the annual rent paid exceeds Rs 1 lakh.


In conclusion, state-specific rules and the amount of the rent determine whether a revenue stamp is required on a rent receipt. While keeping detailed rent receipts isn't always required, it is suggested to ensure transparency and legal compliance in renting agreements. To prevent any future legal issues, it is crucial to be informed of the specific rules in your state and to adhere to the format requirements for rent receipts.