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How To Get Rid Of Lizards At Home: Ultimate Guide To A Lizard-Free Home
Devashrita Gujral
Posted on August 21, 2024. 10 mins

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How To Get Rid Of Lizards At Home: Ultimate Guide To A Lizard-Free Home

Lizards are one of the most dangerous reptiles that no one wants to have them in their houses but they find their way through our houses. It is important to understand what draws them to your space and then taking smart steps to make your home less inviting. Whether it's the warmth they seek or the buffet you unknowingly serve up through exposed food, flies, and ants, solutions are at hand.

Identifying What Attracts Lizards to Your Space

It is crucial to keep your home clean and minimizing the attractions for lizards that start with understanding what they are looking for. Exhaust fans and small openings can act as gateways for these creatures seeking out a cozy spot with plenty of food options. Besides, it is important to keep the windows closed espesially during the evening. Thus you can view our guide on 14 window designs

Food Sources and Lighting: The Main Culprits

When it comes to rolling out the unwelcome mat for lizards, remembering two main culprits—food sources and lighting—makes a big difference. Lizards are drawn to your home by the promise of a hearty meal, found in unattended food scraps and a water source like a neglected kitchen sink. Moreover, outdoor lighting attracts insects, which in turn entice lizards looking for a feast. Therefore, cleaning up food scraps and managing lighting can significantly discourage lizards from considering your home their dining hall. Besides, you can view our guide on exploring the elegance on wall light design that would help you in deciding lighting designs of the house interior as well as exterior.

DIY Solutions: Natural Remedies to Repel Lizards

One might not think about how to get rid of lizards at home naturally but natural repellents can make lizards think twice before gatecrashing. It turns out lizards dislike the smell of certain things we might have lying around the house, making these DIY solutions not just practical but easy on the pockets too.

The Power of Essential Oils


Essential oils are more than just spa day favorites? Indeed, lizards aren't fans of these fragrant oils. Lemongrass essential oil, in particular, can repel lizards when sprayed in areas where these critters are frequently seen. It's a pleasant solution that keeps your home smelling fresh while keeping lizards at bay.

Homemade Pepper Spray: A Spicy Deterrent

Chilli flakes, Tabasco sauce, and pepper powder aren't just for cooking; they're part of the recipe for keeping lizards out. Once these are mixed with water, it creates a pepper spray that when sprayed around the home, adds a burning sensation that lizards find it to be unpleasant.

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your Spray

To craft your very own lizard-repelling pepper spray, you'll need water, chilli flakes, and a dash of determination. The steps to create a pepper spray are as follows:

  • Boil the water and add generous amounts of chilli flakes.
  • Once cooled, strain the mixture and fill a spray bottle.

This potent mixture is ready to be sprayed in hiding spots or areas where lizards are frequently found, making your home a no-go zone for them.

Coffee Powder and Spices: Kitchen Staples Against Lizards

Intriguing as it might sound, tobacco powder and coffee can be mixed with pepper or chilli to create a potent powder to get rid of lizards. Sprinkling this mixture on lizard-infested surfaces ensures the sight of lizards becomes a rare occurrence in your home. You can also visit our guide on 10+ simple kitchen design that you can choose to keep your home lizard free.

The Surprising Effectiveness of Peacock Feathers

It might sound like a tale from grandma's book, but peacock feathers can help rid of lizards naturally. The appearance of the feather alone is thought to deter lizards, making these feathers a decorative yet functional deterrent. This is one of the best ways on how to get rid of lizards without killing them. 

Garlic and Onions: Nature's Lizard Repellents

The strong smell of garlic and onion is not just a flavour enhancer for dishes but acts as a natural deterrent keeping lizards at bay. Spraying garlic juice or placing slices of onion around the home can work wonders in keeping these reptiles out.

Eggshells: An Old Wives’ Tale or a True Solution?


This way might sound like folklore, there's reason to believe that lizards dislike the smell of eggshells. The placement of crushed eggshells around the home can act as a simple yet effective method to keep lizards away, making this old wives' tale a potentially true solution for a lizard-free home.

Preventative Measures: Keeping Your Home Lizard-Free

Prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to unwanted guests like lizards. Understanding what attract lizards and being proactive can save a lot of trouble down the line. Lizards are also attracted to places where they can find food and shelter with ease.

Sealing Entry Points: A Guide to Lizard-Proofing Your Home

The sealing of cracks, fixing screens on windows and checking for gaps around doors are critical steps in making your home less accessible to lizards. These seemingly small fixes can make a big difference in keeping your home reptile-free. Besides, the main entrance door needs to be shut and the design should be such that it should block the entrance of the lizards. Thus you can visit our guide on 18 modern Indian main door designs .

Minimizing Food Sources: Tips on Keeping Your Home Clean

Keeping your house clean, particularly free from food scraps, is crucial in discouraging lizards. Regularly washing dishes and securing your kitchen sink can help keep both pest and lizard problems at bay, making your space less appealing to these uninvited diners.

Proper Food Storage Techniques

A tidy kitchen is a lizard-unfriendly kitchen. Ensuring that food is stored properly and that cabinets are checked and cleaned on a regular basis will go a long way in keeping your home from becoming a lizard hotspot. The home owners adopting a vigilant approach to food storage not only maintains hygiene but also plays a significant role in minimizing food sources for lizards, making your home a fortress against these cold-blooded invaders.

The Role of Ambient Temperature: Cooler Homes Deter Lizards

Lizards are attracted to warm environments since they cannot regulate their body temperature internally. By maintaining a cooler home environment, one can create a less inviting space for these cold-blooded creatures. This is because lizards cannot tolerate lower temperatures, which slows down their metabolism and makes it difficult for them to survive. Thus, a strategic reduction in room temperature especially during the months they are most active, acts as a natural deterrent. Besides, you can choose top room color combinations that would keep the room cool and the lizards cannot bear cool room temperatures.

Advanced Tactics: Beyond Natural Remedies

In the quest to maintain a lizard-free home, sometimes natural remedies need to be supplemented with more robust strategies.

Naphthalene Balls: Do They Work Against Lizards?


Naphthalene balls is one of the most common ways on how to get rid of lizards at home in India and it have been suggested as a means to repel lizards. The naphthalene balls should be placed in areas frequented by these reptiles, the strong odor is reputed to discourage their presence. However, effectiveness can vary and there is a lack of conclusive evidence supporting their widespread use for removing lizards from the home. It’s also important to consider the potential toxicity of naphthalene balls to humans and pets when opting for this method.

Diluting Dettol in a spray bottle creates a solution that some find effective in keeping lizards at bay. Spraying this mixture in areas frequented by lizards can act as a deterrent, possibly due to its strong smell. However, the efficacy of Dettol against lizards hasn't been scientifically proven, and it's essential to use such mixtures with caution, particularly around food preparation areas.

Special Focus: Lizard Prevention in Key Areas

The targeting of specific zones within the home can significantly reduce lizard encounters.

Kitchen Strategies: Keeping Lizards at Bay

The kitchen, with its warmth, food sources, and potential hiding spots, can be particularly attractive to lizards. By securing windows and doors, especially at night when lizards are more active, one can minimize their entry. Keeping kitchen appliances clean and free from food remnants reduces the attraction for lizards that may hide in or under these devices. Furthermore, using scents lizards dislike, such as vinegar or lemon, around these areas can serve as an additional deterrent.

Cupboard Care: Preventing Lizard Intrusion

To prevent lizards from making themselves at home in kitchen cabinets, a diligent approach is required.  Thus, the cleaning of cabinets regularly to remove crumbs and spills, which could attract insects that, in turn, attract lizards, is crucial. A mixture of water and essential oils known to repel lizards can be kept handy in a spray bottle. Spraying this solution inside cabinets not only helps to repel lizards but does so in a manner safe for children and pets.

Regular Pest Control: A Necessity or an Overreaction?

While regular pest control may seem drastic, it can be a crucial step in maintaining a home lizard-free. By addressing broader pest issues, one also reduces the food sources that attract lizards, indirectly deterring them from taking up residence.

Crafting A Lizard-Free Sanctuary: The Final Verdict

The achievement of a home that is free of lizards involves a combination of tactics right from maintaining cleanliness to employing specific deterrents. Besides, there are strategic efforts aimed at reducing food sources like insects and making the environment less appealing through cooler temperatures and the use of repellents can significantly contribute to a lizard-free home. The incorporation of plants that repel insects and keeping the home clean from other pests like ants and cockroaches are essential steps in creating a sanctuary that’s unwelcoming to lizards.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q Can eggshells really deter lizards?

Yes, placing eggshells around the home can act as a deterrent. Lizards interpret the presence of eggshells as a sign of predation. However, eggshells should be changed regularly to ensure they remain effective.

Q How does sulphur content affect lizard repellent methods?

Sulphur is known to repel various pests, including lizards, due to its strong odor. Sprinkling sulphur powder around the perimeter of a home can help keep lizards at bay.

Q Can lizards dislike cold, and how does it help in repelling them?

Lizards, being cold-blooded, rely on external sources of heat. By reducing the ambient temperature, one can make the environment less hospitable for them, effectively using their dislike of cold as a deterrent.

Q How often should I replace the eggshells used as a repellent?

Eggshells should be replaced every few weeks to ensure their odor and presence continues to act as an effective deterrent against lizards.

Q Are there any natural plants that help in repelling lizards?

Yes, plants like lemongrass, known for its high mosquito repellent properties, can also deter lizards. The mosquito population reduction indirectly lowers food sources for lizards, making your home less attractive to them.

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